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Basketball Play - 3FTC: Zone Set Play Series

3FTC: Zone Set Play Series

Greg White 08/12/2012

Anytime you can get two plays from the same set you are at an advantage vs the defense and against coaches who have scouted you. Using a screen vs the zone causes confusion and when done correctly gets you an open shot. In this series the same set is used but by changing who is screened it creates different open shots. See More

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Basketball Play - 3FTC: Zone Set #1

3FTC: Zone Set #1

Greg White 08/12/2012

This is a fun set to install. The players will love it and you'll love the result. We use a pass I first saw late one night watching FIBA basketball on NBATV. Think Manu Ginobili type play. Your player passing will sprint to the baseline, jump out of bounds and complete a cross court pass. I like this pass because if the defense tips it you get to run a BLOB (see my other posts) and most defenders, mine included are going to stop at the baseline. If they don't, again, hit them and its a BLOB opportunity. Drill included See More

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Basketball Play - Inferno Drill

Inferno Drill

Greg White 08/19/2012

One of my favorite drills is The Inferno. This is a great October 15th drill because it immediately raises the intensity level or shows the lack of it. What you'll need: 3 Passers 4 Offensive players 4 Defensive players 1 Ball 1 Box of band-aids (if it's a successful drill.) Players begin on the elbows and blocks. This drill is for 8 minutes. The team's roles will switch at the 4 minute mark. There are no substitutions for the 8 involved. When the ball is at the top, the offense down screens. When the ball is on the wing, players screen across. To keep the drill competitive, and it won't take much, use one of the following scoring systems: Each catch = 5 defensive pushups (5 keeps the speed going plus a good screening group will average 20 catches in 4 minutes) Each catch = 1 pt for elbow catch, 2pts for catch on the block. Keep track and at the end of 8 minutes losing team has a reminder drill. Each catch = live four on four. Offense gets whatever shot they score, Defense gets 2 for a stop, 3 for a charge, etc.. See More

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