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Basketball Play - 5 (Split Options)

5 (Split Options)

Craig LeVasseur 09/21/2015

Miami's "5" set, a variation of Mike D'Antoni's Delay offense in New York, begins with this basic split action, with multiple options for the offense based on how the defense reacts. The Heat used this set to great success during their 2012-13 championship season. See More

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Basketball Play - NBA Early Lob

NBA Early Lob

Wes Kosel 09/03/2015

Here is an early offense play shown in the full court. 1 dribbles up the right side of the floor as 2 and 3 both run the wings. 4 sprints ahead of 5 to screen for 2. 2 loops into the lane and times a screen for 5 at the free-throw line. 1 looks to pass to 5 with a lob or to 2 stepping out for a shot. See More

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Basketball Play - Pistol 3

Pistol 3

Brandon Mullis 08/01/2015

A variation of the pistol action shared a few weeks ago from the Miami Heat from a few seasons ago. In this action, LeBron James would come off a Chris Bosh ball screen and look to attack the rim. If LeBron could not get to the rim, he would look to hit Bosh popping to the corner/short corner after setting the ball screen. See More

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Basketball Play - Golden State Warriors "Phoenix Double Wildcat"

Golden State Warriors "Phoenix Double Wildcat"

Gibson Pyper 06/01/2015

Same concept as the regular Phoenix ballscreen, the main difference is that two big men set the ballscreen early in transition. The best part of this set is the counter they run out of it, the first big (typically Andrew Bogut) dives to the rim and the second big (typically Draymond Green) sets a pindown screen for Klay Thompson. The Warrriors also run another option out of this and that is to have Klay be a screener with a big man setting the double screen. After the guard comes off of this, the big man turns and sets a down screen for Klay to get a shot out of it. See More

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Basketball Play - Golden State Warriors "Phoenix Double Away"

Golden State Warriors "Phoenix Double Away"

Gibson Pyper 06/01/2015

Same concept as the regular Phoenix ballscreen, the main difference is that two big men set the ballscreen early in transition. The best part of this set is the counter they run out of it, the first big (typically Andrew Bogut) dives to the rim and the second big (typically Draymond Green) sets a pindown screen for Klay Thompson. The Warrriors also run another option out of this and that is to have Klay be a screener with a big man setting the double screen. After the guard comes off of this, the big man turns and sets a down screen for Klay to get a shot out of it. See More

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Basketball Play - Golden State Warriors "Phoenix Ballscreen"

Golden State Warriors "Phoenix Ballscreen"

Gibson Pyper 06/01/2015

A very common action among NBA teams is the Phoenix Drag, or in other words a ballscreen in transition before the defense can be set. They use this alot to get Steph attacking early in the offense to try and get easy scores. A big key to watch in this series is the way they run this ballscreen vs ICE defense. The Cavs ICE the ballscreens, or push the ballhandler to the sideline with two defenders, so the Warriors may try to have Draymond pop to the top of the key for a shot. See More

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Basketball Play - Golden State Warriors "21 Pinch"

Golden State Warriors "21 Pinch"

Gibson Pyper 06/01/2015

An adaptation from the Phoenix Suns 7 Seconds or Less offense, this is an early offensive attack that has been very effective for Golden State. The idea is to push the ball ahead as quickly as possible to the wing with a pass or dribble. There are built in options into this series, with an option to dribble hand off back to the point guard, keep it and come off ballscreen, and look opposite for weak side player coming off of the screen. See More

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