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Basketball Play - San Antonio Spurs - Pin Down Ball Screen Pop

San Antonio Spurs - Pin Down Ball Screen Pop

Andy Stark 11/22/2017

The Spurs were very effective with this SLOB against the Heat. Lamarcus Aldrige was playing the 4 spot in this lineup, Danny Green was at the 2, Gasol at the 5, Patty Mills at the 1, and Kyle Anderson took the ball out as the 3. Your best shooter is opposite of where the ball is being inbounded. Your best ball handler or decision maker comes off the pindown. Your most skilled big sets the ball screen and pop. The big does not want to roll in this situation (unless the defense switches little on big) to enable the spacing that the guard needs to get down hill to make a decision to score. See More

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Basketball Play - Villanova Wildcats - Stack DHO to Ball Screen SLOB

Villanova Wildcats - Stack DHO to Ball Screen SLOB

Tony Miller 04/01/2018

The Wildcats ran this SLOB several times during the semifinal matchup vs Kansas. At the 13:17 in the second half, the inbounder looked to Spellman (5) for a short corner turnaround jumper (seen in Frame 1). In the first half (14:21), Brunson (1) used the ball screen to set up the fill behind shooter after Spellman's ball screen (Frame 3). Final Four Breakdown: Villanova Wildcats - XsOs Behind the Dominance See More

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