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Basketball Play - Stanford Cardinal | Fowards Out - Chin

Stanford Cardinal | Fowards Out - Chin

Randy Sherman 11/11/2020

Chin from the Princeton Offense ft. Standford Cardinal Women's Basketball Video below shows DDKs from the Drift Screen. More Princeton Offense Resources: Princeton Offense Playbook Princeton Offense Playbook Vol. 2 (ft. Chin and Chin variations) Video Playlist: Stanford Cardinal Princeton Offense (four videos) #PrincetonOffenseTips on Twitter *New customers use discount code SAVE10 at purchase* See More

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Basketball Play - Competitive Shell 3v3 & 4v4

Competitive Shell 3v3 & 4v4

Randy Sherman 10/15/2020

Competitive version of shell drill where a score followed by a stop equals a point and a team must gain three points to win. Drawn 3v3 but can be 4v4 as well. Setup and rules in frame descriptions. Radius Athletics exists to serve, grow and develop basketball coaches at all levels. How do we do this? Simple. Pillars of Radius Athletics Move coaches towards simple, seamless basketball characterized by conceptual offense, transition flow and a defensive approach befitting the modern game Promote a practice philosophy in line with Growth Mindset and Motor Learning An “Essentialist” approach to creating a program identity Modernization of the professional development model for basketball coaches - Radius Athletics Info *New customers use discount code SAVE10 at purchase:* See More

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Basketball Play - Stagger Cuts

Stagger Cuts

Randy Sherman 05/31/2019

Four cutting options when using the staggered screens. Video of "straight cuts" featuring the Milwaukee Bucks and Brooklyn Nets below. Lots of staggerd screens in our Motion Strong Playbook! Video Playbook: Stagger Cuts Blog Breakdown: Motion Strong Entries & Options See More

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