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Basketball Play - Zone Offense - 4 Out, 1 In

Zone Offense - 4 Out, 1 In

Tony Miller 06/04/2019

Flow directly from transition offense to your zone offense with this non-traditional setup in the half court. Check out my latest blog post for more #XsOs! >>> BUILDING YOUR PLAYBOOK: Add Sets With Consecutive Actions Also below: Episode of A Quick Timeout podcast discussing Nick Nurse's coaching journey and the characteristics of a successful coach. Grab this FREE download: Toronto Raptors Playbook See More

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Basketball Play - Zone Offense: Quick Hitter - " Kansas "

Zone Offense: Quick Hitter - " Kansas "

Dustin Cooper 01/24/2019

Coaches - if you want an easy two points against a zone defense, add this to your playbook ASAP! This is a action that we have ran as a BLOB with tremendous success. See the diagrams and video in my playbank! We decided to start running this as a half court set as well, and this is what we came up with. Run your best shooter along the baseline to distract the wing defender. Once that happens, the hook is set and we seal the middle of the zone allowing a clear path for a layup. For more great quick hitters, check out my YouTube channel. Download: Full Zone Offense Playbook See More

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Basketball Play - Zone Offense - Quick Hitter - White (Need a 3)

Zone Offense - Quick Hitter - White (Need a 3)

Dustin Cooper 10/03/2018

Coaches - are you in need of a 3 against a zone defense? Add this set to your playbook! Our head coach at New Washington has used this play for 12 years with tremendous success. We primarly use this against 2-3 and 3-2 zones. This action creates a quick overload putting pressure on the defense to cover multiple areas. There is also a slip option if the defense is able to close on the shooter quicky See More

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Basketball Play - Zone Offense - Quick Hitter - Inside Cut Blast

Zone Offense - Quick Hitter - Inside Cut Blast

Dustin Cooper 10/02/2018

A overload action used against a 2-3 or 3-2 zone. TIPS: Have your best shooter be the inside cutter to occupy the attention of the zones wing defender. In the video clip below, we ran this play against a 3-2 zone to begin the quarter. Notice how our 5 seals the bottom of zone creating an open area for 4 to find for an easy layup. Check out my new YouTube channel for more zone offense quick hitters! See More

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Basketball Play - Zone Offense Playbook

Zone Offense Playbook

FastModel Sports 12/01/2016

To send the Playbook to your FastDraw, click the "Send to FastDraw" button above. After you enter the email address you use in FastDraw, click FastTrade, at the top of FastDraw, and open your FastTrade Manager. Find the new message, put a checkmark next to it, and click "Add to Library." The PDF of the playbook is available by clicking here See More

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Basketball Play - CU Clippers Flash Zone Offense

CU Clippers Flash Zone Offense

Bert DeSalvo 01/07/2016

Concorida University (NY) Women's Basketball used this zone set against Philly U on 1-5-16. The set really puts pressure on the middle of the zone and allows movement to come from the weak side where the defense really has to be aware of multiple cuts to the interior of the zone. Video link: See More

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Basketball Play - Continuity Zone Offense - Rotation

Continuity Zone Offense - Rotation

Daniel Murphy 08/24/2015

This is 1-3-1 continuity zone offense used against a 2-3 zone defense. Against a zone defense offenses can become stagnant with a lack of player and ball movement. This rotation continuity allows an offense to keep flowing and have players cutting and move the ball side to side. As the ball is moved side to side players should look to drive gaps and score or make plays for teammates. Against an even front zone defense it's good to have an odd front zone offense and against an odd front zone defense it's good to have an even front zone offense. Against a zone defense it's important to "leave an area, replace an area" and reverse the ball (Hubie Brown). Cutting from behind the defense is also hard for a zone defense to guard. The 1-3-1 zone offense continuity rotation allows the offense to execute these key principles. Skip passes and screening the inside and outside of the zone are also effective. Dribble penetration vs. the zone defense is key to breaking the defense down. Driving gaps and making 2 defenders play 1 offensive player creates scoring opportunities for the offense. Pass fakes are another key to use against a zone defense. The pass fake can freeze or shift the zone. Two other important keys to beating zone defenses are to fast break and beat the zone before it's set and offensive rebound because defenders are guarding a man in their zone and are not always guarding the same man. An offensive player can be in one zone when a shot is taken but as the ball is in flight can move to a different zone, making blocking out more challenging for a defender. If a zone is overloaded on the weakside and a shot is taken from the strong side there is an offensive advantage on the weakside rebound. Also against a zone it's easier for perimeter players to rebound because their could be more offensive players on the perimeter and zone defenders near the basket don't have a man in their zone when a shot goes up. Using quick hitters in addition to a continity is a great strategy vs. zones. Quick hitters allow the offense to know who will be shooting the ball and from what spot. Coach Izzo from Michigan St. has some great quick hitters out of the 1-3-1 alignment that work well with the 1-3-1 zone continuity "Rotation." See More

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Basketball Play - Shaka Smart VCU Rams Zone Offense Set Play: Special Quick Hitter (1st diagram) and Weave Zone Set Play (2nd and 3rd Diagram

Shaka Smart VCU Rams Zone Offense Set Play: Special Quick Hitter (1st diagram) and Weave Zone Set Play (2nd and 3rd Diagram

Scott Peterman 02/24/2015

Coach Shaka Smart has his VCU Rams (21-6, 11-3) and they are better prepared for any A-10 opponent. Here is a special zone offense play that they run. Havoc Pressure Defense is what Shaka Smart is known for. Execution is what I know Shaka Smart for. The first diagram is "Special" which is a zone quick hitter. The 2nd and 3 diagrams are the "Weave" Play zone set play. If you like this Shaka Smart Zone Offense Play then check out our website: Men's Basketball Hoop Scoop. See More

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