Tennessee Shooting - Circle Motion Offense Drill - FastModel Sports

Published 12/09/2021 by Matt Hackenberg Favorite Send to FastDraw Print Embed

About This Play/Drill

#CircleMotionTips on YouTube is a series of videos to look at some of the details of the Circle Motion Offense. To understand the offense on a basic level, refer to this link (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5-V_...).

In this diagram and video we look closely at a warmup drill we use for the Circle Motion Offense. This is a shooting drill that gets a lot of players moving and trains some of the fundamentals we want to see within the offense. I wrote an in-depth, 30 page document outlining everything to do with the offense, mostly to help me understand the offense with more clarity. It is available to purchase on Sellfy: https://sellfy.com/coachhack.go/p/ten... and check out my other content! Also, search #CircleMotionTips on YouTube to find other content related to the circle motion offense!

Follow me on Twitter - @CoachHackGO
  • Basketball Play - Tennessee Shooting - Circle Motion Offense Drill

Dry cutting and shooting. Designed to perfect the cutting within the Circle Motion Offense, and get some shots up in the process. We vary the cutting sequence, but always have one cutter to the rim, one cutter exiting to the weak side, and one cutting to the top of the key.