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Basketball Play - Sideline Omaha

Sideline Omaha

NHSBCA NHSBCA 11/26/2012

1 screens for 2 to receive inbounds pass. 2 passes to 1 shaping up as 4 screens down for 3. 1 hits 3 on wing for shot. If 3 doesn't have the shot, 4 lane screens for 5 and 1 flare screens for 2. 3 can hit 2 for the shot. If the flare is not open, 3 looks to feed 5 in the post. 5 sets a side ball screen for 3. 3 can reject the screen and attack baseline (4 spaces to weak side corner) or use the screen (4 circles to ball side corner) and look for the roll or a shooter circling right. See More

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Basketball Play - Milwaukee Bucks Game Winner

Milwaukee Bucks Game Winner

Kyle Brown 11/06/2012

A play the Milwaukee Bucks beat the Cavs with on Friday night. The Bucks were down 1 with .7 seconds and got a great look. 1 set a good screen for the 4 man to the basket (which the cavs missed the switch) and then 5 does a great job of headhunting and setting a screen for the 1 to the top of the key. See More

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