Baseline Drive Rotation Drill - FastModel Sports

Published 03/18/2021 by Charlie Wallrapp Favorite Send to FastDraw Print Embed

About This Play/Drill

This drill is great to work on rotations defensively. At the same time, you can work on shell spots and closeouts. This helps players understand where they need to be in your defense. 

  • Basketball Play - Baseline Drive Rotation Drill
  • Basketball Play - Baseline Drive Rotation Drill
  • Basketball Play - Baseline Drive Rotation Drill
  • Basketball Play - Baseline Drive Rotation Drill
  • The ball starts in the corner and gets swung around to the other side. Each time it is passed, players move to the correct spots and do technical close-outs.

  • Ball passed from slot to slot. 

  • Ball passed to corner.
  • Once the ball reaches the corner, the ball is driven to the baseline. The 2 sinks and takes away the 5. The 3 has the first pass out to either the 3 or the 2 and the 2 takes the opposite player. The 1 has to make sure that a pass cannot make it to the corner.