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Basketball Play - Box Warriors

Box Warriors

Rory Hamilton 07/21/2017

The play looks to take advantage of a switch using a backscreen on a guard and then rolling big immediately to the basket. Initial Set-up: Box Alignment with post players on the blocks and guards at the elbows. Play can be initiated on either side with a pass to the wing. Guards should catch as close to FT extended as possible. The point guard fills to ball side corner and the weakside guard fills to slot area. The ball side post sprints to catch the ball at the strong side elbow. Once the post player has caught the ball she immediately turns to the inside while the weak side post comes up and sets a back screen for the slot guard. The guard cuts off the screen demanding and forcing the switch. The post player screens and seals guard and immediately rolls back to the ball and receives a pass for layup. The ball side guards interchange or screen to occupy the defense. You can also run the same action off of a flare screen. This would be a good option if you have a great shooter. See More

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Basketball Play - Stack Maryland

Stack Maryland

Rory Hamilton 07/21/2017

Play is initiated with both post players running a tight curl to screen in defense and free up guards to catch on either wing. On a pass to the wing, the point guard sprints to the ball side corner. The opposite guard sprints to set a block to block screen for the ball side post player (4). The 5 man times his cut off of the 3 man and sprints to catch at the nail of the free throw line. Once the 5 man catches the basketball, the 3 sets a block to block screen on the 4 man. The first option is the 4 man going low off the screen or option 2 is the 3 man sealing off for a direct pass and potential lay-up. See More

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Basketball Play - Triangle 5 or 4

Triangle 5 or 4

Rory Hamilton 07/21/2017

Point guard starts play on right side and dribbles back left to initiate the pass to the 2 man in the corner. 5 man sets a fake screen on the four and will receive a screen from the 3 man for a lay-up. 1st Option is 5 man for lay-up and 2nd Option is 3 man snapping back on a switch cut. Triangle Alignment and play goes to 4 man with same action as Triangle 5 See More

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Basketball Play - 4-up


Rory Hamilton 08/01/2017

Press Break Alignment is with 3 man taking ball out-of-bounds and the 1 and 2 are at the elbows. The post players 4 and 5 are at half court. We use 4-up press break vs. any on the ball zone presses (1-2-2, 1-2-1-1, etc). It starts with our ball side post flashing to the FT line extended to receive a pass. On the catch, our point guard 1 screens away for the 2. After screening for the 2 the 1 sits in the middle of the floor and the inbounder steps in for ball reversal. Again the concepts are the same as we look to attack sideline, middle, and a throw over. On ball reversal back to the inbounder our press break slides are : middle flashes sideline and the sideline flashes middle. The 4 man sprints wide and looks to space the floor and be a deep threat. If the ball is passed middle, the receiver immediately looks to pass it opposite for a potential (2 vs. 1) against the defense. See More

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Basketball Play - Buddy "Go"

Buddy "Go"

Rory Hamilton 08/01/2017

Normal Press Break Alignment with point guard taking ball out-of-bounds and other guards 2 & 3 at the elbows. The post players 4 and 5 are at half court. Buddy GO looks to hit 2 man popping out FT line extended. After passing to either the 2, the point guard immediately cuts hard down the middle of the floor for a quick return pass. This is effective against teams that trap the first pass in either man or zone. If the 2 man cannot get the ball to the point guard in the middle of the floor, then she reverses the ball back to the safety. The safety looks middle and passes if open, otherwise continues to reverse the ball to the 5 player flashing sideline. On ball reversal we have the same press offense slides as 4-up: Middle goes sideline and sideline flashes middle and the 2 man becomes long diagonal option. See More

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Basketball Play - Buddy


Rory Hamilton 08/01/2017

Regular Press Break Set-up except point guard takes the ball out of bounds: 3 will diagonal screen for 2 man and 2 man has the option of going high or low off the screen. The 3 will always break opposite the 2 man. After passing to either the 2 or 3, the point guard immediately cuts hard down the middle of the floor for a quick return pass. This is effective against teams that trap the first pass in either man or zone. If the point guard is not open on the cut, then the ball is reversed through the 3 man and then to the post player 5 flashing sideline. When the 5 man catches his reads are sideline, middle, or reverse it again. The 4 flashes middle, the point guard flashes sideline and the 2 player sprints wide and becomes throw over option. If the ball is passed middle, the receiver immediately looks to pass it opposite for a potential (2 vs. 1) against the defense. See More

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Basketball Play - Run & Jump/Scramble Break

Run & Jump/Scramble Break

Rory Hamilton 08/01/2017

Regular Press Break Set-up: 2 will diagonal screen for 1 man and point has option of going high or low off the screen. The 2 will always break opposite the 1 man. If point guard catches the 2 immediately diagonals out and looks for quick pass to middle and 3 vs. 2 opportunity. The 3 man also diagonals out and looks to circle if his man goes to trap the dribbler. Here the defender leaves to trap the dribbler and 3 recognizes and circles back as a pressure release. The point must stretch the trap and look to find open player. If they rotate successfully to take away the pressure release, then the weak side guard recognizes and flashes to middle of the court. Same actions as the 1 man is not open and we throw to the 2 man sealing her defender and rolling back to the basketball. If the ball gets to the middle of the floor, then the player immediately looks to attack the potential 3 vs. 2 that is created. See More

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Basketball Play - Touchdown


Rory Hamilton 08/01/2017

This play can be run after a made FT or after your opponent scores and calls a timeout. It utilizes the same alignment as our normal press break so it is hard to scout. It begins with our point guard running the baseline and our 5 man flashing hard to the ball. The 2 man pops out-of-bounds and receives the pass from the point guard. Once the 2 catches the ball the 3 man flashes hard to the elbow and then to the corner to draw the defense. The 4 flashes to weak side elbow and demands the ball. After passing the ball to the 2 man the point guard takes off deep and utilizes the 4 man's screen to get open. See More

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Basketball Play - 2-guard Box

2-guard Box

Rory Hamilton 08/01/2017

Box is our 3/4 court press break vs. any odd front zone press. We always want to have a sideline, middle and reversal option. Even though our box is a little distorted, we always have a sideline, middle, reversal and throw over option. If we cannot pass to our sideline or middle player we reverse the ball and our middle player flashes sideline and our sideline player flashes middle. Players can utilize the dribble to improve spacing and passing angles anytime vs. the zone press. On any pass to the middle, the guard immediately looks to attack and create an advantage. See More

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Basketball Play - Dos


Rory Hamilton 08/01/2017

Dos is our 1/2 court press offense vs. any type of odd trapping zone 1/2 court zone. 2-1-2 Alignment: 3, 4, and 5 are in the rotation and 1 and 2 are stationary. On a guard to guard pass, the strong side block player flashes to the wing while the weak side corner player flashes to block to attack weak side. The 4 man posts hard at the FT line area and always tries to be available. On a short corner/block pass, the high post player dives to the rim for a pass and the weak side guard spots up for a potential kick out pass for a 3pt shot. On any high post catch we follow the same rules as our normal zone attacks: 1. shot 2. hi-low 3. skip opposite for 3pt shot. If the ball is skipped opposite, the continuity of the offense continues as 3 now flashes to corner area and 5 looks to attack the weak side block. On pass to the corner the 5 sneaks across the zone and the offense can continue. See More

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Basketball Play - Jersey


Rory Hamilton 08/01/2017

Diamond alignment with 3 man taking ball out-of-bounds and your best shooter 2 at the top of the key. Option 1: Late clock situation 2 man coming off of 4's screen for a quick drive or shot . Option 2: 4 comes off 1 man's screen to the rim as 5 flashes to the ball to occupy the defense. If neither option is open then pass to the 5 man. The 5 man executes a dribble hand off (DHO) with the 3 man. After the DHO, 5 man comes off 1's screen and 2 man comes off baseline screen from 4 man. Last option is 1 man shaping up off the backscreen or pindown with the 5 man. See More

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